I started feeling poorly last Sunday and I went off my food. Monday I didn't eat either and I felt listless. On Tuesday morning mum and dad took me to the vets where I have been for the last 2 nights until mum and dad brought me home this morning. I feel better now but the last 2 days being stuck in a small cage weren't very pleasant - just as well I wasn't feeling too good!
At first mum thought I had poisoned myself as I have to taste all the plants in the garden. She looked up every plant on the internet and found that around half of the plants in the garden were poisonous. However, the vet took a sample of my blood, tested it and reported back that I had not been poisoned on this occasion. My dad thought that I had swallowed a piece from the garden irrigation system which I have destroyed over the last few weeks. He doesn't seem to mind though as at this time of year he has disconnected it. Various nozzles are scattered around and he thought that one of these may be on it's way down to my stomach and causing a blockage. Nothing was to be seen on the x-rays to verify this although I believe that plastic is difficult to identify.
According to the vet, I was suffering the effect of the 3rd vaccination which I had been given on Monday 27th of November. This had given me a bout of gastroenteritis. I hope she was right as I don't fancy going through all that again. Now my aim is to put weight on rather than lose it. Let's see how it goes.
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