Here's a selection of photos of me taken from when I first came to this house in mid September up to a more recent one taken at the end of October.
In the photo above I had just had my ears operated on and when mum and dad got me my ears were still healing and looked a bit rough. You can also see the remains of the glue used by the vet to keep my ears stuck to the top of my head.
All of these photos are in chronological order so you can see how I have grown in the last 6 weeks.
When I first arrived I was 5.3 kg, now I weigh over 11 kg!
There's plenty of this house to explore and I am gradually finding my way around.
There are lots of places to pose for the camera.
My dad never misses a chance to take a photo of me.
For the photo above my dad placed me on top of the coffee table he had been working on for the last few months. I'm not allowed to be up there at any other time.
Just this last week my ears have started to stand up all by themselves or at least one of them has. Normally they have to be "posted" and taped up for a while but I don't fancy that.
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