Last Mondays visit to the vet went very well. A microchip was injected into my neck and I was given the 3rd puppy injection.
Yesterday afternoon we came down to Vinaròs to our house by the sea. This afternoon was a breakthrough as I had my first walk outside. You cannot imagine what this was like for me - it's fantastic out there with all the smells and different people, some with their dogs - incredible. I certainly can't wait for the next excursion into the new world!
In the photo above you can see me wearing my harness. Dad has been trying this on me at various times during the last couple of weeks. I couldn't really see the point as I certainly didn't need a harness and lead to walk around the garden. But now it all makes sense as dad had adjusted the harness and it was a really comfortable fit. I certainly wouldn't run off but there are so many interesting things out there which have to be investigated.